Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Almost seemed to happen on cue!

Well we have now returned from our first adventure! we took the tent for the boys and the trailer for all of us who might need it( Grandpa said he would definitively use it). We went one half hour from the boys home, to the lake where we hoped to fish and to hike around our beautiful surroundings. We saw wild turkeys and "real lizards".

K and N went fishing with us as J was very tired and wanted to take a nap..so off the 4 of us headed to procure our dinner. Now fishing with a 4 year old can be an adventure all on its own as we quickly learned! Fishing line constantly tangled, large rocks to aim at the lake and bright red bobbers floating on the rippled surface. Grandpa shared with K who was intent on catching a big-foot that a lot of noise would scare the fish away..so we needed to be quiet! Well as quiet as a boy of 4 can be at least..N wondered off the for a location with out so much commotion. After a couple of hours, no fish and a sun lowering into the west we headed back to camp for a plan B dinner..
the older boys headed for the boulders for some climbing and K to the campground play area where he had made friends earlier in the day. Grandpa and I made the fire and gathered dinner ingredients.

The older boys arrived back, blood on hands and arms..even though I had told them to be careful.Listening to us "older folk" was not on the agenda for the day! K got back and off to the tent they all went for a wrestling match- against the tent walls. "You will dislodge the rain tarp and it is going to rain tonight"..now to be fair there were no clouds in the sky, but the weather website I checked before leaving said it was. Again the wresting started and again the warnings..again the wrestling and this time no warnings from us..experience is always the best teacher!

Dinner was great and after clean-up I headed to the rest rooms and the boys to the tent. When I returned only Grandpa was sitting around the campfire.."Where did the boys go?" I asked with concern. "They are asleep in the tent", he replied..."even K?" I asked. So they were down for the night. Grandpa and I sat by the fire for an hour or so listening for any signs that they would not be asleep, but even the loud cry's of a pack of coyotes did not wake them. So we headed off to the trailer and bed.

At 4 am K was at the door, he wanted in our bed..the boys were snoring to loud for him to sleep he decreed. We were getting up so into our bed he went and soon was snoring loudly. We had our coffee and organized for breakfast. At this time the rain was coming down in buckets!! I said to Grandpa that I should check the tent..grandpa felt we should leave it alone..experience should be the best teacher!

At 8 we woke them up..they came across the short distance to the trailer for breakfast and were soaking wet from the trip. All the boys brought their backpacks..but no change of clothes were with the teenagers, not even dry socks! We put them in blankets and all enjoyed our breakfast.

Our our way back home K from the backseat announced he was hurt and angry with Grandpa! Grandpa had talked with a gentlemen fishing from a boat and scared his fish away! We asked what we could improve upon for our next trip and the first thing that came up was we did not have enough potato chips ! The second was a larger rain fly for the tent, and J said he should bring a change of clothes. ( what a great idea for a weekend trip!)

I sat in the front seat and thanked God, not only for a safe and enjoyable trip..but for the rain, and the small mishaps which almost seemed to happen on cue, and will help our young, perhaps, accept small bits of advice in the future.

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